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Meditations, Mantras and Movement

With Inner Alignment for the Pursuit of Happiness, you first quiet the mind so you may connect with your inner being, core self or your consciousness.


The 8 week 1:1 program is designed to help you do that (and more). These are a few of the practices.


Whether you’re new to this work or have been practicing for years, I invite you to experience the benefits of regular meditation, mantra and movement.


Each practice will guide you through the process, ensuring you leave each session feeling recharged, refreshed and better able to tackle whatever life throws your way.

Heather Carter Meditations, based upon our work in our 1:1 session, during our 8 week program.

Mantras help Quiet the Mind.

Awaken Your Potency, by Kim Beekman,

link to her SoundCloud playlists.

Movement helps connect the breath to the body and works to ground your energy each morning. 

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